Providing approximately 250 new homes and public open space for the community of Faversham
Gladman Developments are proposing a residential development of approximately 250 new homes including public open space and recreational facilities on land off Ham Road, Faversham.
This website provides details of our proposals and allows you the opportunity to let us know your views, help us shape our next steps and keep track of the project’s status.
Gladman have over 30 years' experience in the land and development industry. We are committed to bringing forward sustainable development and delivering additional benefits to Faversham wherever possible.
Please take a look at our initial proposals and let us know your thoughts. We are interested to understand what services and facilities in the local area could benefit from improvements and would value your contributions to help shape our plans for Faversham.
Historic maps of Faversham show how the settlement has grown since 1877, and has changed significantly as the population continued to grow. We see the proposed development at land off Ham Road as a logical continuation of the settlement's historic growth pattern.
The site is shown edged red on the plans below.
The Development Framework Plan shows how the site could be developed and identifies the areas that we think are capable of accommodating new homes and those that will form areas of new public open space. The Plan takes into consideration the constraints and opportunities for development that were identified through our initial assessments.
Let us know your thoughts on the proposals below by completing the 'Have Your Say' section at the end of this webpage.
The development will include new areas of publicly accessible green space. These open areas will include new tree and hedgerow planting, footpaths .
Our proposals will provide children's play spaces to cater for a range of ages.
These will be located in a safe and accessible location in the development for all to enjoy. The play areas will be available to new as well as existing residents of Faversham.
Local businesses such as shops, pubs and restaurants are likely to benefit from the additional custom that the development will generate.
Often people are concerned that the proposed development will put pressure on local services. As a result, financial contributions will be made where there is a need to increase capacity in these services.
Our scheme will contribute to building a strong and competitive local economy, supporting growth and job opportunities in Faversham throughout the build period of the site for those seeking employment in construction and beyond.
Our proposals will provide a range of houses which meet the housing need in Faversham.
Alongside market housing, the development will also provide up to 35% affordable homes, which will allow those such as first-time buyers greater scope to remain in the area.
Our proposals aim to provide places for people to live that are considerate to the environment and will promote the wellbeing of existing and future residents in Faversham.
Swale Borough Council will benefit from substantial financial payments in relation to the New Homes Bonus and Council Tax payments generated as a direct result of the scheme.
Financial contributions:
If it is deemed there is not sufficient capacity in local schools, a contribution will be paid to Kent County Council to ensure that sufficient school places are made available, for example through the funding of new classrooms.
Primary access to the site is proposed off Ham Road as this is considered to be the safest and most appropriate location for vehicles to access the site.
Our proposals aim to engage with the local community and help shape the growth of Faversham to make the fullest possible use of public transport, walking and cycling, and focus development in a sustainable location, enhancing the vibrancy and vitality of Faversham and supporting local services.
There is an indication that the gross spending power of the new residents could be in excess of £8,750,000 each year, a proportion of which will be spent in the locality.
With the creation of new homes and gardens and the introduction of new trees and hedgerows, the living environment will be enhanced for the benefit of residents and wildlife alike.
We are currently at the stage of preparing an outline planning application to support the residential development of this site. An outline planning application seeks permission for the principle of development on the site. More detailed considerations such as the appearance of the dwellings or landscaping planting plans will be subject to a further planning application known as 'Reserved Matters'.
We will consider all comments submitted as part of this public consultation, which will influence our proposals. A summary of the feedback received through this consultation will be provided in a Statement of Community Involvement, which will form part of our planning application to Swale Borough Council.
The local planning authority will then consider the submitted evidence and plans and determine the application.
You can check back here for further updates. A link to the application and supporting documents will be provided once an application has been submitted.
The development will achieve a net gain in the biodiversity of the site. This will be achieved by a number of initiatives including new native planting, introduction of a sustainable drainage pond and the active management of all areas of open space. Our proposals can provide sustained benefits to new and existing residents through the provision of new public green spaces that are accessible for everyone to connect with and benefit from.
A specialist consultant team has been appointed to survey the proposed site's sensitivity to development, ensuring that we have comprehensively evaluated the site for ecology and wildlife and have guarded the habitats of protected species.
Often people are concerned that new development will put additional pressure on local services and infrastructure. Where there is a need to increase capacity in order to accommodate residents for our proposed development, we will make financial contributions to facilitate additional capacity.
The need for and quantum of such contributions will be ascertained along with the statutory consultees involved in the application process.
The proposed development has the potential to significantly boost local spending. Local businesses are likely to benefit from the additional custom that the development will generate, which will in-turn contribute towards the future viability of these services. The development will also generate the need for approximately 330 full time construction jobs and 360 indirect jobs.
There are often concerns associated with the impact of increased traffic as a result of a proposed development. Our specialist highways consultants work with your local highways authority, Kent County Council, to ensure that the development can be accommodated, taking into account any required improvements to increase capacity at key junctions in the road network.
We will also be putting in place a Travel Plan which will seek to encourage new residents to travel by public transport or on foot or by bike where possible.
We conduct in depth research into the risk of flooding and mitigate any risk identified.
Our surface water strategy is to ensure that no more water runs off the site post development than currently is the case. This will be achieved through creating basins on site to hold surface water run-off before controlling the release of this water into the existing drainage network at a rate agreed with your local flood authority.
The proposed development will provide a mix of sizes and types of housing, catering for all members of the community.
Alongside a range of open market housing for purchase, the development will also provide affordable homes which will allow those such as first-time buyers or on a lower income greater scope to own or rent their own home. The exact mix of house sizes and tenures will be agreed in negotiation with your local authority housing team.
Residents with a family or work connection to the local area will be given priority over others when looking to buy or rent an affordable home.
Gladman consider all correspondence received and our response to the issues raised will be set out in a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). As part of a planning application, Gladman submit to the Local Planning Authority a complete copy of all correspondence received (including any details such as your name, address and email where you have provided them). This ensures all your comments are available to the Council during the consideration of an application and shows who we have consulted. As the SCI forms part of the formal application documents, the Council may publish it online, subject to their own Data Protection policies. Should the application be the subject of an appeal, the same information will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate. If further consultation is carried out as part of the planning process, Gladman may use your details to make you aware of this and to ask for your views, but will not use this information for any other purpose.
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