
Providing approximately 200 new homes and public open space for the community of Westbury

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Gladman Developments are proposing a residential development of approximately 200 new homes including public open space and recreational facilities on land off Storridge Road, Westbury.

This website provides details of our proposals and allows you the opportunity to let us know your views, help us shape our next steps and keep track of the project’s status.

Gladman have over 30 years' experience in the land and development industry. We are committed to bringing forward sustainable development and delivering additional benefits to Westbury wherever possible.

Please take a look at our initial proposals and let us know your thoughts. We are interested to understand what services and facilities in the local area could benefit from improvements and would value your contributions to help shape our plans for Westbury.


The Growth Of Westbury

Historic maps of Westbury show how the settlement has grown since 1904, and has changed significantly as the population continued to grow. We see the proposed development at land off Storridge Road as a logical continuation of the settlement's historic growth pattern.

location plan
aerial view
location development plan

Our Vision And Plans

The site is shown edged red on the plans below.

The Development Framework Plan shows how the site could be developed and identifies the areas that we think are capable of accommodating new homes and those that will form areas of new public open space. The Plan takes into consideration the constraints and opportunities for development that were identified through our initial assessments.

Let us know your thoughts on the proposals below by completing the 'Have Your Say' section at the end of this webpage.

Location PlanView on larger screen to enlarge

Aerial ViewView on larger screen to enlarge

Development ProposalsView on larger screen to enlarge


Community Benefits


Planning Application And Project Status

An outline planning application has now been submitted to Wiltshire Council.

An outline planning application seeks permission for the principle of development on the site. More detailed considerations such as the appearance of the dwellings or landscaping and planting plans will be subject to a further planning application known as 'Reserved Matters'.

All comments submitted during this public consultation have been considered as part of the application. A summary of the feedback received through this consultation can be found in the submitted Statement of Community Involvement.

To view this and other supporting documents, click on the web-link in the box below. You can also check back here for further updates.




Have Your Say

Thank you for viewing our proposals for land off Storridge Road, Westbury. Our consultation period has now closed. Please refer to the ‘Planning Application And Project Status’ page for the latest updates.
